Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Weekend Getaway with the Family

This past weekend was incredible because my family and I flew to the Ngorongoro Crater and Lake Manyaru, and stayed at the wonderful Gibbs Farm.

The entire weekend was perfect, but it started off with an incredible experience on the way there—I got to fly the plane. We were the only ones on the flight and I asked the pilot, Liz, what the flying conditions were (flying is not my cup of tea, but obviously doesn’t stop me from traveling one bit). She told me it was going to be bumpy because it was hot and windy, I told her that I’m a bit afraid. She immediately told me to get into the co-pilots seat. I assumed this was because it would be the least bumpy place on the plane but I was wrong. Ten minutes into the flight she told me to take hold of the steering gear and told me how to use it and where to steer the plane. I did exactly what she told me to do and in three seconds she was writing stuff down, taking a water break, chatting with my family, aka NOT flying the plane. I was a little shocked and bit nervous but took full advantage of the opportunity. Lets just say I was so intensely concentrating that I didn’t have time to think about being afraid. When we landed she told me that flying a plane would decrease the fear of flying. She was right.

***more to come on this weekend***

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